Monday, December 21, 2009

Colon Cancer Pain Colon Pain : Colon Cancer?

Colon Pain : Colon Cancer? - colon cancer pain

Can anyone tell me if I colorectal cancer or some sort of colon problems?

I am 22 and I am a woman. For years, I have this pain in my colon that comes and goes occasionally. I can only say that this experience has probably 12-(times per year, whole year). The pain is like my colon is contracted or probably can be stabbed with a knife, because the feeling is very strong. You can out of nowhere, while I lie, sit or stand and stay for up to 5 seconds maybe.

I've never inserted anything in this area and I always use this for anything other than stool. I had never hemerroids or rectal bleeding or anything. I have not gone for the Heart network. I looked at the symptoms of colorectal cancer occur over the Internet and the symptoms that I am not among them, so I really can do what, I'm confused.

If the symptom may seem familiar, you can share with me please, what can that be? : ^ (

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