Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sonic Lipstick I Need Some Good Ideas For A Scavenger Hunt.?

I need some good ideas for a scavenger hunt.? - sonic lipstick

Our city is small enough, but ... everything that Wal-Mart and McDonald's closes at 8 and we have no intention of taking ten or more.

Some ideas I have are the following:
Wash the windows of a person at the gas station
Something Sonic Order and sing a song for the person who brings food
Find a policeman and asked, rubbing plates
Find someone with the name of Sue and ask some of them
Here you will find instructions for Haggis
Find a sign in a foreign language
Find a person walking on the street with a blue shirt and giving them a kiss on the cheek
Draw a mustache on a stranger
They shall find a man who is willing to lipstick
Cartboy for a ride in his car at Wal-Mart
Get yourself or give false ride from a stranger ...

That is all I have children ... Help! Thank you!

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