Sunday, January 24, 2010

How To Get Rid Of An Item On Poptropica How Do I Get Rid Of An Item Cursed With Bad Luck?

How do I get rid of an item cursed with bad luck? - how to get rid of an item on poptropica

I have a necklace, a terrible fate for anyone, it does exist. I have done, and got a public intox. My roommate tried, in one night and was almost arrested. Our friend and tried to destroy her phone later that night. Everyone is afraid to touch him, must be used pliers from one place to another. We are scared to throw at them, but I do not know what to do to get rid of it. Ideas?


Saph said...

Well, here's what you do. Carefully remove blot with sage and Neck, chewing gum on the floor, then put it in and ... Oops, that's hard ... do not act stupid. Lets face it, the only bad luck that we are talking about is something that should be taken not to know you first. It seems that you are young and fun, but you have to blame that it deserves the ... on the shoulders, not the thing around his neck. Good luck and be safe.

NONAME said...

It's more like "bad decisions" from "bad luck".
Try to use the collar and follow the law and see whether there is a chance to improve.

Silver said...

If any of you have in witchcraft, then there are some spells disadvantages that I can give, but I need a little more information to help you. If any of you ever been in witchcraft Putzu then uses a spell not only try, a Wiccan coven find in your area. someone in the sect's help in the situation.

Silver said...

If any of you have in witchcraft, then there are some spells disadvantages that I can give, but I need a little more information to help you. If any of you ever been in witchcraft Putzu then uses a spell not only try, a Wiccan coven find in your area. someone in the sect's help in the situation.

NICOLE said...

WOW .... You idiots ..... Neck ... n the fact that you are all shiitfaced receiving public ... Take the chain off .......... ..

cobrasna... said...

Go to Church to explain and to heal. It is sure what to do with the thing. Good luck.

cobrasna... said...

Go to Church to explain and to heal. It is sure what to do with the thing. Good luck.

Teacherw... said...

Mix. You only have power if you will allow. Take it like a piece of junk and move on.

bugsie said...

Dumpster IT !!!!!!!!!
FUND local river !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give it !!!!!!!!!! ENEMY to
Girlie expensive is bad luck if you believe.
The path that the curse is not in the end, you mean it!
Stronger than the curse, and the bottle, the girls have to share!

just a girl said...

Selling on eBay!

kivrin9 said...

I do not know if what at first as a coincidence, but for now, the residue psychometric his fear that an influence on this gem. There is no safe way to clean, but is a start, make burn salt for a while, or White Sage round. You do not need, but must sell the company or any other part of him. Maybe luck is not bad, but simply that this is not for you. This is a story before it was acquired, or was it new? Anyway, take purified in the above methods, then at a flea market or something. It may be a chance for you and not people who are not about his life.

Oh, and try to make better decisions in the future.

kivrin9 said...

I do not know if what at first as a coincidence, but for now, the residue psychometric his fear that an influence on this gem. There is no safe way to clean, but is a start, make burn salt for a while, or White Sage round. You do not need, but must sell the company or any other part of him. Maybe luck is not bad, but simply that this is not for you. This is a story before it was acquired, or was it new? Anyway, take purified in the above methods, then at a flea market or something. It may be a chance for you and not people who are not about his life.

Oh, and try to make better decisions in the future.

Maldito Duende said...

LASSIE Burn It !!!!! SEND IT TO HELL !!!!!

uncleclo... said...

Give to someone who does the hurting innocent - No, but someone who is not related, and someone I do not know. They can post anonymously as a fan of a "secret" gift. It is advisable to not have a personal grudge against that person, despite the damage that he has committed.

It covers all the bases. If luck is truly is somebody who is in any case be given, and if not, the recipient will not aware that it is "bad luck and therefore no risk of the placebo effect (even if good or evil, they are real, as the placebo effect, so it is good to try to avoid, whenever possible).

uncleclo... said...

Give to someone who does the hurting innocent - No, but someone who is not related, and someone I do not know. They can post anonymously as a fan of a "secret" gift. It is advisable to not have a personal grudge against that person, despite the damage that he has committed.

It covers all the bases. If luck is truly is somebody who is in any case be given, and if not, the recipient will not aware that it is "bad luck and therefore no risk of the placebo effect (even if good or evil, they are real, as the placebo effect, so it is good to try to avoid, whenever possible).

masteror... said...

if u really think it's bad luck
then an activity plan that can go wrong any more and see if anything happens

but try not to spoil subconsiouly
When sumthing bad happens, then just drop one days drive

Anonymous said...

Therefore, I believe it when I tell you, who knows what could happen if you made a series of bad disappear. :) Thanks for the 2 points!

trai s said...

wat you do bind a salt shaker in your head with the open so far as to dig up the ground shook salt over the whole, then the position in use, but does not affect a stick or somthing to make the salt of the head and they all together with the agitator and save the earth, and let

Jerry Thunder said...

Under the full moon, place a white ribbon around his neck, put it in a bag with natural materials in a wooden box. Place in a hole in the ground. Circle of salt at all in the hole and pile on top of the box. Report and move forward with their lives without thinking of the chain.


Jerry Thunder said...

Under the full moon, place a white ribbon around his neck, put it in a bag with natural materials in a wooden box. Place in a hole in the ground. Circle of salt at all in the hole and pile on top of the box. Report and move forward with their lives without thinking of the chain.


MustangP... said...

Begin to fetch water and irrigation, and a few screams
"The power of Christ to ask!"

wehelpth... said...

Send it to me!
I know someone who would!

Rapunzel XVIII said...

Only buried in the ground.

Anonymous said...

Selling on eBay.

tempest_... said...

I wish I had, in fact. Could you send me the faith?

Charm said...

Burial. The earth absorbs negativity. If you want to keep him, he digs for 3 days and the lowest residue, well or poorly cleaned. Practice, I am Wiccan, and the use of this method all the time to order items before they clean used in spells or rituals.

lordskni... said...

It's easy, give your worst enemy

vampirez... said...

Burn it!

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