Friday, January 29, 2010

Planet Nibiru In Sight 2009 Do You Believe In The 10th Planet Nibiru?

Do you believe in the 10th planet Nibiru? - planet nibiru in sight 2009

I have this and am curious what your thoughts.
There are many more on You Tube and Web sites.
It was me, because this problem will have to consider, and another in another program on the Discovery ...


Aussie Witch 52 said...

Actually it is the planet 12, and it orbits close to Earth every 3600 years, Zecharia Sitchin was the first to come in terms of Nibiru in the Sumerian text ..
Planet 12 is the first book in a series of 6 pounds (The Earth Chronicles) ..
Love & Light .. ) O (

TheAsend... said...

In 1983, NASA announced it had a habitable planet for two or three times as large as the Earth found with infrared ray heat signature satisfies a spaceship. It was known that the New York Times, then disappeared from the news? President Reagan, a conference with Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss the threat of alien and other news?

TheAsend... said...

In 1983, NASA announced it had a habitable planet for two or three times as large as the Earth found with infrared ray heat signature satisfies a spaceship. It was known that the New York Times, then disappeared from the news? President Reagan, a conference with Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss the threat of alien and other news?

wpgeezer said...

10. Planet is not scientifically possible, but there are other possibilities in this respect is Guy Coo Coo. Some good points, but his hypothesis is, how it is. He tries desperately to explain what they do not understand. The answer will come with time, but their assumptions are really stupid.

peachyon... said...

What do I think it might be a tenth planet? Maybe. I think that all exotic stories connected with them? Absolutely not.

blarg honk said...

There is no tenth planet. After losing their status of Pluto as a planet classified all objects in the Kuiper Belt have been identified as a dwarf planet. No real world.

JULIE said...

No, I do not believe in this imaginary world ... cause that ... It is as you know, people who have imaginary friends ... Now they make imaginary planet ... Can you believe it? .... incredible people today ...

JULIE said...

No, I do not believe in this imaginary world ... cause that ... It is as you know, people who have imaginary friends ... Now they make imaginary planet ... Can you believe it? .... incredible people today ...

JULIE said...

No, I do not believe in this imaginary world ... cause that ... It is as you know, people who have imaginary friends ... Now they make imaginary planet ... Can you believe it? .... incredible people today ...

lilbunny... said...

In fact, Pluto has been demoted to the moon, I think. and then there Dogstar I do not know yet classified.

swift128... said...

Yes, I think there is much to discover, is there any other country.

HunneeBu... said...

There are no more than 10 planets, simply because "we" not yet "discovered does not mean" that they are not.

lympher2... said...

It's a little cold, but it's too obvious that we primates lol

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